The Huddle Challenge

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 "Among believers, there's no greater way to deepen one another's faith than through reading the Scriptures together". - Wayne Cordeiro

At Church at Cane Bay, we have three primary systems that make up our church: Sunday Morning Gathering, Missional Communities, and Huddles. Sunday mornings are the time for our entire church to gather together for worship, community, and being sent out by the gospel. Missional Communities are the lifeblood of our church, where 12 to 15 adults gather together around a specific mission in our community and work to see the gospel clearly displayed there. Huddles are smaller groups of two to three that meet weekly and are focused on study of scripture, accountability, and prayer. 

We've done a good job of getting people engaged in Missional Communities, and we desire to see the same passion and excitement about Huddles. We would love to see 100% of our church involved in these discipling relationships. The reason is simple: Without Huddles, what we do as a church doesn't really work. Huddles are vital to the life and ministry of our church. It provides discipleship, mentoring, accountability, and study of Scripture at a deeper level than any other system of our church. In fact, it provides the foundation of discipleship necessary for people to be sent out. 

Without huddles, people will experience burn out. It's better to give than to receive, but you still must receive in order to give. It's simple: you must be growing in your own relationship with Jesus if you are ever going to help others grow in their relationship with Jesus. We all need people to speak into our lives and encourage us, and a huddle is the best place to see that happen.

So this Sunday, we will be unveiling a new challenge to our church called The Huddle Challenge. The challenge is simply this -
1. If you are not in a huddle, join one.
2. If you are in a huddle currently, invite and have someone new join your huddle. This will help move your huddle to multiplication.

With this being a challenge, we also want to help you meet the goals of the challenge. We know it can be difficult to find someone that you can actually meet with week to week. So over the course of the next four weeks, we will be doing several things to help you get engaged with The Huddle Challenge:

1. HUDDLE EVENTS - These events exist to provide more information about huddles. There will be food, fellowship, testimonies about huddles, a time of SOAP, and some Q&A. They are on two different dates, one for men and one for women, so that spouses can keep children. We have a free gift for all who attend!
A. Men's Huddle Breakfast - Saturday, October 31 - 8:30 - 10am - Ryan's in Summerville - Attendee responsible for cost of food. CLICK HERE to register.
B. Women's Huddle Breakfast - Saturday, November 7 - 10 to 11:30am - Wassamassaw Baptist Church - Brunch is Free. CLICK HERE to register. 

2. HUDDLE LEADER TRAINING - If you are already leading a huddle, or think you might be interested in leading one, this is an opportunity to come and get more information about what it means to lead a huddle. We will work to answer any questions you have about leading a huddle. It will be Sunday, November 8, at 9am in the library at the school. CLICK HERE to register. 

3. HUDDLE EBOOK - I recently put together a brand new ebook that answers pretty much any question that you might have about Huddles. It's a great resource to help you as you start the journey of a new huddle, or just want to work to make your huddle even better. You can find that to download HERE.

4. SOCIAL MEDIA BUZZ - We want to know if you've joined a huddle for the first time! Using the hashtag #huddlechallenge, people will post to the Church at Cane Bay Facebook page when they get plugged into a huddle. We will do drawings for giveaways to people who join huddles for the first time.

5. HUDDLE JOURNALS - We have brand new huddle journals available this Sunday at the resource table for only $2!

You've been challenged! 
Over the next four weeks, we are excited to see people plug into huddles for the very first time and begin to experience deeper, discipling relationships. We hope and pray that you will take this opportunity to dive deeper, in relationships and God's word.