
Pursuing God's Call to Church Planting

Posted on 9:44 PM by
Tonight was probably the most difficult night of my ministry so far. I had the responsibility of standing in front of a group of students at First Baptist Church that I love so much and let them know that God is calling me and Emily to start/plant a new church alongside another couple in the Cane Bay area of Berkeley County. I have been able to work with the best students in the world at First Baptist, and I was amazed by their Kingdom mindset in this difficult time. This has been something that God has been dealing with us for a couple of years now, and recently, it has been made very clear to us by Him. We are confident that God is calling us to become missionaries to Berkeley County and He has made it very clear to us. Leaving First Baptist, however, is a very difficult move because of all of the incredible relationships and amazing people that we have encountered and grown with.

So why church planting? Church planting is a movement to start new churches because of the increasing lostness in our American culture. It is reported that around four thousand churches close their doors each year in America. From 1991 to 2004, the number of unchurched in the US has doubled. There is a great need to continually start new churches that will reach the massively growing unchurched population of our country. With much prayer and consideration, Emily and I have agreed with the Lord for me to accept the position of Community Pastor at a church plant in Berkeley County called The Church at Cane Bay. The Church at Cane Bay is a supported church plant of the North American Mission Board and the South Carolina Baptist Convention, which will be a part of the Southern Baptist Convention, South Carolina Baptist Convention, and the Screven Baptist Association.

Please pray for Emily and I as we leave behind a wonderful, secure ministry at First Baptist to step out in obedience to God as missionaries to the Cane Bay area of Berkeley County.  Pray that we would be obedient to the call of Christ to leave all behind to follow Him. Pray that we would answer His call in Luke 9 to follow and keep our eyes on Him, never looking back. We love each of you greatly, and are thankful for your love and support over the last several years. Please continue to pray for us!


Kris said...

Like I've told you before, your faithful obedience to God's call for your life speaks volumes of how strong your relationship with God is Joel. I admire that, and I pray that the transition to Cane Bay is a smooth one; where you will meet fresh faces, enjoy new experiences, and plant a church rooted in the foundations of God's Kingdom.

Mark 1:14-15