Decision Making

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It is always great to see how God enjoys drilling things through my thick skull. This morning in Sunday School with my incredible students, we spent some good time talking about how to make decisions, whether they be really important ones or just everyday ones. It was really nice to get their feedback, and hear how God has been working in their hearts.

Emily and I got lunch with two friends today and the subject came up again. This was slightly an opportunity for me to humorously pick on one of the un-named characters in this story about some gaming in his life, but the reality is that the Lord has been speaking to me all day about it. I face decisions constantly in my life, and some of then really need to be questioned as to making the right decision.

In dealing with this issue in the past, I believe that it really comes down to a few major things: what Scripture says, bathing it in prayer, the advice of Godly people, and testing it with a few questions. Those tests are what I want to mention today, because I believe that they provide great help as we all make decisions that, might seem insignificant, but really matter greatly for God's Kingdom. Here are the three biggest tests that we can give to any decision:

1. Does it Glorify God? - Which action will glorify God out of the options? If this is true of both of them, which one will give God greater glory.  Is it possible to worship God while I do this? Is this action an attempt to please God, or to please myself? (1 Corinthians 10: 31)

2. Does it Make Disciples? - Is it possible to fulfill the Great Commission by doing this activity? Will people see Christ in my life while I do this? Is it possible to build relationships with someone through this activity that will help them grow in their relationship with Christ? (Matthew 28: 19 - 20)

3. Does it Cause Anyone to Stumble? - The last question is very important because sometimes we may feel as if the first two can be valid for almost any activity, outside of blatant sin. But the truth is, there are some activities, that in certain circumstances, could be harmful to the spiritual life of those around us. If that is true, Scripture is clear that we need to avoid those activities in that situation. (1 Corinthians 8)

In my life, there are little decisions that I make that deal with how I spend my downtime and time inside the context of relationships that really need to be tested against these principles. For all of us, we come across decisions everyday that must be tested. Whether it is who we should date/marry, what kind of job we are looking for, whether to play video games or go for a run, or what we will take into our bodies, these are all decisions that should be tested according to Scripture and by basic questions like these. Can it be more complicated than this? Absolutely, but in most situations I believe these questions are sufficient to at least help to guide us towards the correct path. We must always continue to look to God's word, hear Him through prayer, and seek to be obedient in our actions to His will and His glory.