This morning we dealt with the issue of depression and anxiety at The Church at Cane Bay. This is one of the most difficult sermons that I've ever had to preach. I asked for alot of prayer on this one. The reason is because I know it's an issue that harms so many of us and can cause us to lose our zeal for mission and joy for God's call to us.
I want to mention again the action points for us to take if we feel like we have lost control or lost hope in the middle of a difficult time -
If You are Struggling with Anxiety -
1. Change your focus - Start to think about others more. Serve others. Join a Missional Community and be active in loving others. You will find joy.
2. Find out where your faith is - the gospel or your feelings - Whichever one you place faith in will be the reality that you ‘feel’ from day to day.
3. Trust Jesus with your life - Anxiety is evidence of where our care lies. Place these things in his hands. Pray to him and literally give them to Him daily.
If You are Struggling with Depression - 1. Seek help - let someone know what you are struggling with. You don’t need to walk this alone. You need some outside perspective. Find me or a close friend that is walking with Jesus. If it’s an ongoing thing, then seek counseling.
2. Know God created you as you for a reason - Don’t desire to be someone else or in some other situation. God has you here for a reason. He designed you to be you. Trust Him.
3. Think hard about your beliefs - If you really believe the gospel, should you be depressed? What does your depression say about your belief? Everyone carries doubts from time to time, but if this is major and ongoing, you may need to consider how much you really trust God.
4. Get to the bottom of things - Again, I am not a doctor or psychiatrist, but you will never escape these feelings without dealing with the issue at hand. Antidepressants are not a cure for that. They only take care of symptoms. They will not fix you in the long run. You need to deal with the issue at hand.
Here are some resources that might be helpful for you -
Scripture -
Matthew 6: 25 - 33
Philippians 4
Books -
Get Out of That Pit - Beth Moore
When the Darkness Will Not Lift - John Piper
If you need to see someone for counseling through these issues, here are two great local resources-
Lowcountry Biblical Counseling Center
Covenant Counseling Center
Of course, I hope you know that we are always here for you. Please feel free to email us if you are struggling through these issues -
Joel Ainsworth -
Charlie Swain -
Jennifer Kinney -
Prayers for all of us as we continue to allow Christ to overcome our struggles!
The Church at Cane Bay
Some Final Thoughts on 'Overcoming Depression'
Posted on 4:14 PM by Joel Ainsworth
4:14 PM
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