I need to take a moment to be really honest with you. I’m excited. I’m very excited. You might be wondering why that’s the case. Let me explain:
You’ve probably seen that I talk about this thing called Missional Communities alot. At The Church at Cane Bay, we have small groups like many churches do, but ours are a little different than most. We call them Missional Communities, and for us, they allow The Church at Cane Bay to really BE the church. Let me explain what I mean by that statement. Here’s what these groups are all about -
Mission - Each week, our groups gather together to pray for and serve a specific mission that they’ve identified in our community. It ranges from working with the local public schools, serving with a local foster boy’s ranch, all the way to welcoming new families that move into our community. Whatever the case may be, each group takes ownership of a specific mission, and our church is able to have a much greater reach into the community because of it. They allow the gospel to be lived out and heard in many different places.
Community - Each group is also about community. The task is a great one, and we could never do it alone. We are much stronger with community around us. Every group shares a meal together every week. We have learned that there are two ways for us to really get to know each other - serving with one another and eating around a table together. So this is where our groups exist. We need the love, support, and encouragement that each one has to offer, because we all struggle with sin and can remind each other about the grace of God.
Let me give you a few reasons why I’m so excited that our Missional Communities are back in session -
1. I said this one earlier, but they allow our church to really BE THE CHURCH. This might seem odd considering our cultural understanding of Sunday morning services being church, but as we look to Scripture, our picture of church is altogether different. In Acts 2, we see a community of believers that are sacrificing to care for each other, meeting together over meals, and loving their community. That is what our Missional Communities are about. Every time we aren’t in session, it really feels like something is missing. These groups allow our church to BE the church.
2. Missional Communities bring EXCITEMENT to our church. People get excited about being a part of something big. They enjoy participating where differences are being made for the Kingdom. There is a new energy in the room when our groups are active. Even this past Sunday, you could feel the difference when Missional Communities are mentioned and there were shouts of excitement.
3. Missional Communities give people a place to PLUG IN to our church. Sometimes it’s hard to get involved in a new community of believers. But our Missional Communities make this an easy step. They immediately provide closer relationships and the sense of family that’s harder to have on a Sunday morning level. They help people get connected in a real way to what God is doing in our community.
So what about you? Are you plugged in? Things are moving and in motion, and you don’t want to miss the opportunity to be a part of something that’s far bigger than yourself. It’s about a mission, a community, and a Kingdom.
Sign up for a group here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dFN3RDJoa2w0YlJxckQtZDdyclNnaHc6MQ#gid=0
The Church at Cane Bay
Why I'm Glad Missional Communities Are Back
Posted on 9:42 AM by Joel Ainsworth
9:42 AM
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