One thing that has always been a strong theme in my life is the constant faithfulness of God, and my occasional inability to recognize it until later. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 is a great reminder to us: “He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.” Yesterday was a great reminder to The Church at Cane Bay of His incredible faithfulness.
Charlie and I spent a great amount of time planning and praying for our Discovery Lunch over the last month. We wanted to create a time and place where people who were interested in The Church at Cane Bay would be able to come and hear the vision that God has placed on our hearts for Berkeley County. One night, I had a dream that about fifteen people were gathered together at a meeting like this and were interested in becoming involved in the work that God is doing. I woke up excited and hoping that we could be able to gather a group like this. Our best hopes were to have fifteen to twenty people come out to get a glimpse of the vision and mission. Yesterday, God proved that His plans were far better than our hopes.
After the morning service at Journey Church, our sponsor church, 36 people met together over an incredible barbecue lunch served by Journey! It was a humbling and exciting experience centered around God’s glory and His gospel being made known in the Cane Bay area. Will Browning, teaching pastor of Journey, took some time at the start to share about Journey’s vision to plant this church and their desire for their people to be involved in making it happen. Charlie took some time speaking about the need in South Carolina, and our area, for a new church to be started, as well as sharing some personal stories that provided a picture of that need. I was able to share a little about our vision for the church, outlining the values and actions that will guide the things that we do. We also answered some questions, and were able to let people know how they could be involved in the mission.
We had a good number of people sign up to be involved on our Core Team, which means that they will partner will us fully and go through our Core Team training beginning February 13th. Several people also signed up to join us on a temporary basis to help get us started until we get our feet on the ground. Many people also volunteered to help out with childcare, worship, setup, etc. whenever they are needed. It was an incredible day, and a wonderful reminder. The high point of all of this is God’s faithfulness. He has called us to this mission, and He is faithful to provide what is needed to carry it out. It is His work, and He will surely do it.
The Church at Cane Bay
God's Faithfulness for The Church at Cane Bay
Posted on 10:57 AM by Joel Ainsworth
10:57 AM
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