
My Discipline to His Glory

Posted on 10:45 PM by
Proverbs 5:23 (ESV) - He dies for lack of discipline, and because of his great folly he is led astray.

I'm going to have one of those really honest moments with you. I'm not always the most disciplined person. I've always found it pretty easy to be decently organized and disciplined with school and work, but the area that I struggle is in my personal life. Oftentimes, when I come home from work, I just want to sit and do nothing while I watch some Netflix to 'relax' from the day. The problem I get into with this, is that I'm not very great at getting everything done that needs to get done in my personal life. I don't always take time to pick up around the house, do a load of laundry, spend enough time in God's word, work on getting in shape, and finish writing all those things I started.

Emily and I have been reading through the bible together this year, and it's been such a great experience for the both of us to do it together this year (Youversion.com). That structure has made me think of alot of other areas in my life. I have alot of wasted time in my schedule. It's not that downtime isn't important, but when it keeps us from accomplishing things that need to be done to be more obedient to the Lord, or to be a better husband, it needs to go.

So I'm setting up a daily schedule for myself of my free time. In doing this, I understand that it can be easy to lose the meaning of things if they are just being checked off of a list. This is a struggle I'm willing to face in order to become a more-focused person for the Kingdom. I don't want to lead a life of ease, I want to lead a life of my discipline to His glory. I think it's time to re-read Celebration of Discipline.